Soluções de Serviços em Nuvem

High power under your control using scalable equipment with high resource density that is ideal for the most demanding performance and low latency needs. Features access to the display, keyboard, mouse and virtual drive, all by an exclusive control panel.

OpenStack Virtual Server
Benefit from the individuality, elasticity and low cost of virtualization in a public cloud (Cloud Server) with full support of the company with great expertise in this technology.

OpenStack Virtual Data Center
A comprehensive Software-Defined Data Center solution. Contract resources and distribute them across multiple servers. Start private networks, add routers and manage firewall rules, load balancing and high availability using the automated OpenStack dashboard.

A custom and exclusive cloud, created entirely for you, satisfying all your prerequisites and budget limitations, and employing technologies that best meet your needs.
Por que +1.200 empresas escolhem a EVEO
Confira os nossos cases de sucesso e escolha a solução ideal para seu negócio, independente do tamanho ou necessidade, nós temos a infraestrutura certa para você.
A maior empresa de servidores dedicados do Brasil
Conte com nossa expertise para montar a melhor configuração de servidor dedicado para sua demanda.